Saturday, 29 November 2014


Here is my final timeline. There is a note section on the side because I also printed a version for me to follow and I need to be able to edit it if needed. If major changes will be done I will update it on this blog as well. 

What to do

Week 49
1st-6th Dec
Download Indesign

Create folder containing all the picture and other media I have so far

Create Indesign document and start working on the format (book, number of pages, size)

Find a place that prints the book and ask for how long it is going to take

Week 50
Create cover or at least make a design for it

Create standard template to be used on every page (margins)

Decide colours for each individual section and create boxes to put at the top of each page

Start listing what I need to take pictures of

Have the author profile and general information section done on Indesign

Week 51
Finish up the list of pictures I need to take
For this part look at the following sections: places, itinerary #1, itinerary #2, itinerary #3, surroundings

Research for the history section and write it

20th: leaving for Milan
Put the history section on Indesign

Make a list of the hotels and restaurants to be included

Work on Indesign to fix templates, layout and general look

Christmas break
Week 52
22nd-27t Dec
Create section on Indesign for restaurants and hotels, finalize it

Start creating itinerary #1 (not on Indesign)

Week 1
Create the places section and put it on Indesign


Create the shopping section and put it on Indesign

Finish up itinerary #1

Work on Indesign to fix templates, layout and general look

Back to Sweden
Week 2
5th -10th Jan
Create Expo section and put it on In design

Start writing itinerary #2

List the contents of the surrounding section

Write the surrounding section and put it on Indesign

Work on Indesign, upload things, change layout, work on template

Week 3
12th-17th Jan
Finish up itinerary #2 and put it on Indesign

Write itinerary #3

Change the size, format and quality of the pictures taken during Christmas break.


If there are any pictures missing take them from the websites (make sure to ask before)

Write the top ten best places of the travel guide.

Week 4
19th-24th Jan
BIBLIOGRAPHY! Cite anything that has been used including books, websites and pictures


Leave spare time

Week 5
26th-31st Jan
Bring the guide to get it printed (turn into a pdf document)

Week 6
2nd -7th Feb
They are printing it à DEADLINE

General notes:
·         Every week (preferably during the weekend) I will spend some times taking everything I created and putting it nicely on Indesign. This process will happen once a week for at least one hour
·         I will spend two weeks in Milan during Christmas break and I will use that time to take pictures and “look around”
·         The printing should take around 15 days so I might have to bring it there before. That means I need to be done earlier
·         I left a “break” during the days around Christmas because I probably won’t do much

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