Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Expo 2015

I probably chose the best year to create a travel guide about Milan because the city is hosting Expo 2015!!!
Expo is an international exibhition which many countries take part in. Everyone come to show how they developed as a country the aspects of technology, innovation, culture, traditions and creativity and how they relate to food and diet. The theme of this year Expo is "Feeding the planet, energy for life". Everything will be based on resources of the planet and the idea is to create a dialogue between countries and and exchange of views on the topic. 

Here is the link to Expo 2015 website:

There will definitely be a section in my travel guide regarding Expo 2015 and to get a better idea on what to include I watched a video provided by the Expo website It is actually the official spot of the event. Here is the link:

Expo Milano 2015


Expo. "Expo Milano 2015 - Nutrire Il Pianeta, Energia per La Vita." EXPO MILANO 2015. Expo, 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

EXPO MILANO 2015 WORLD’S FAIR. "FOOD LIFE: Expo Milano 2015 Spot - English Version." YouTube. YouTube, 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

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