Saturday, 29 November 2014


Here is my final timeline. There is a note section on the side because I also printed a version for me to follow and I need to be able to edit it if needed. If major changes will be done I will update it on this blog as well. 

What to do

Week 49
1st-6th Dec
Download Indesign

Create folder containing all the picture and other media I have so far

Create Indesign document and start working on the format (book, number of pages, size)

Find a place that prints the book and ask for how long it is going to take

Week 50
Create cover or at least make a design for it

Create standard template to be used on every page (margins)

Decide colours for each individual section and create boxes to put at the top of each page

Start listing what I need to take pictures of

Have the author profile and general information section done on Indesign

Week 51
Finish up the list of pictures I need to take
For this part look at the following sections: places, itinerary #1, itinerary #2, itinerary #3, surroundings

Research for the history section and write it

20th: leaving for Milan
Put the history section on Indesign

Make a list of the hotels and restaurants to be included

Work on Indesign to fix templates, layout and general look

Christmas break
Week 52
22nd-27t Dec
Create section on Indesign for restaurants and hotels, finalize it

Start creating itinerary #1 (not on Indesign)

Week 1
Create the places section and put it on Indesign


Create the shopping section and put it on Indesign

Finish up itinerary #1

Work on Indesign to fix templates, layout and general look

Back to Sweden
Week 2
5th -10th Jan
Create Expo section and put it on In design

Start writing itinerary #2

List the contents of the surrounding section

Write the surrounding section and put it on Indesign

Work on Indesign, upload things, change layout, work on template

Week 3
12th-17th Jan
Finish up itinerary #2 and put it on Indesign

Write itinerary #3

Change the size, format and quality of the pictures taken during Christmas break.


If there are any pictures missing take them from the websites (make sure to ask before)

Write the top ten best places of the travel guide.

Week 4
19th-24th Jan
BIBLIOGRAPHY! Cite anything that has been used including books, websites and pictures


Leave spare time

Week 5
26th-31st Jan
Bring the guide to get it printed (turn into a pdf document)

Week 6
2nd -7th Feb
They are printing it à DEADLINE

General notes:
·         Every week (preferably during the weekend) I will spend some times taking everything I created and putting it nicely on Indesign. This process will happen once a week for at least one hour
·         I will spend two weeks in Milan during Christmas break and I will use that time to take pictures and “look around”
·         The printing should take around 15 days so I might have to bring it there before. That means I need to be done earlier
·         I left a “break” during the days around Christmas because I probably won’t do much

List of contents

Here is a list of different sections that will be in my guide plus a brief explanation. This will help me to create my timeline so that I have a better idea of how much work I need to do. After I have done this I will have to make a list of places I need to go to in Milan in order to take pictures.

  1. The author: information about me
  2. General information: this section will include everything you need to know before leaving for Milan. It will be quite basic information.
    - Location (maybe a map as well)
    - Important phone numbers
    - Transportation
    - General information about costs
    - When to go there (best period)
    - Useful links
  3. History and Background: this section will be something to read before the trip.
    - Brief history of the city (maybe some kind of timeline as well)
    - Milan today (current situation)
    - Famous people (some names and quotes)
    - Language
    - Dictionary for the perfect tourist
  4. Hotel and Bed and Breakfasts: this will most definitely be a list of places
    - List of places to sleep at
    - Brief contact information about each one including phone number, website, location, email and Facebook page if there is one
  5. Places to visit: best places to go to, could be anything, no special category. It won't be organized as a list but more as different sections
    - Name of the place
    - Pictures of the place
    - Information about the place
    - Contact information
  6. Restaurants: to be organized as different lists depending on the type of restaurants
    - Name of the restaurants
    - Pictures (taken form their website)
    - Information about the place
    - Contact information
  7. Shopping: a list of the best shops to be divided by what they sell
    - Name of the shop
    - What does it sell?
    - Who is it for?
    - Description
    - Other information
  8. Expo 2014: information section about this really big event
    - General information
    - Pictures taken from their website
    - How to attend
    - When to book tickets
    - What to book tickets for
  9. Itinerary #1: your trip planned and what to do. Every itinerary will be based of a a range of people's interests
    - Map with the path to follow
    - List of things to do and in which order (including resturants and shops)
    - When? What? Why?
  10. Itinerary #2: your trip planned and what to do. Every itinerary will be based of a a range of people's interests
    - Map with the path to follow
    - List of things to do and in which order (including resturants and shops)
    - When? What? Why?
  11. Itinerary #3: your trip planned and what to do. Every itinerary will be based of a a range of people's interests
    - Map with the path to follow
    - List of things to do and in which order (including resturants and shops)
    - When? What? Why?
  12. Surroundings: what do to around Milan
    - Como lake
    - Pavia wine region
    - Piacenza hills
  13. Top ten things you can't miss in Milan: the 10 best things included in this guide that you MUST do
As an inspiration for this I used one of the lonely planet guides I own. It is actually of Berlin but I just looked at the structure

Schulte-Peevers, Andrea. Berlino: Guida Città. Torino: EDT, 2011. Print.

Planning the planning stage

PLANNING: what to do
  •                 Create a timeline for the whole creation stage

o   I will make it weekly
o   Leave 1 to 2 weeks spare at the end
o   Consider the time needed to have it printed

  •                         Create a checklist

o   Include everything on the timeline and additional things to do
o   Can be modified during the creation stage

  •                       Content planning

o   Make a list of all the sections in the travel guide
o   Include brief explanation
o   This is needed because I want to know what I need to take pictures of when I go to Milan

More to come…


Before starting the planning stage here is the final timeline I created before starting the investigation and I modified throughout the process.
Sofia De Martin

Meeting with supervisor and citing sources

I didn't manage to meet with my supervisor because she was not at school but luckily I booked a meeting with Magali.
In the meeting we discussed the planning stage and I told her a bit about what I would like to do. I will do my planning weekly because then it's always good to modify it. We then discussed my criteria and she gave me some good feedback on it. The main point we looked at is the relevance of the Selling place/Cost part. The main aim of my project is not to sell it so I decided I will take away the selling places and have to modify the cost depending on how much it will cost me to print it.

I will go this weekend to find out the actual cost of printing and I will modify my criteria asap.

I also talked to Anna the librarian for the process of citing the blog that agreed on sharing the pictures with me. Here is what she answered:

Blog posts
Cite Web postings as you would a standard Web entry. Provide the author of the work, the title of the posting in quotation marks, the Web site name in italics, the publisher, and the posting date. Follow with the medium of publication and the date of access. Include screen names as author names when author name is not known. If both names are known, place the author’s name in brackets. Remember if the publisher of the site is unknown, use the abbreviation n.p.
Editor, screen name, author, or compiler name (if available). “Posting Title.” Name of Site. Version number (if available). Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher). Medium of publication. Date of access.
Salmar1515 [Sal Hernandez]. “Re: Best Strategy: Fenced Pastures vs. Max Number of Rooms?” BoardGameGeek. BoardGameGeek, 29 Sept. 2008. Web. 5 Apr. 2009.
Pictures on a blog
If the work is cited on the web only, then provide the name of the artist, the title of the work, the medium of the work, and then follow the citation format for a website. If the work is posted via a username, use that username for the author.
Example: brandychloe. "Great Horned Owl Family." Photograph. Webshots. American Greetings, 22 May 2006. Web. 5 Nov. 2009.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Indesign tutorial

Today we had an older student from our school coming in to teach us a bit about Indesign. It was actually aimed for technology lesson but I am making use of the knowledge I got for Personal Project. One really good thing is that I found out that on Indesign it is possible to create a proper nice book so I won't have to modify anything as the layout will be already set. I also learned all the basics and how to do background etc. It was quite useful and I now know what the program looks like.

Here are some of the things I learnt:

  • You have to choose the option "create book" before starting 
  • Insert the number of pages and the format 
  • It's important to use high quality picture that were turned in JPG format so they will turn out nicer when printing 
  • You have to create a folder before starting and there you will upload everything that you need to add to the magazine and the magazine itself will be saved there 
  • I learnt how to add picture, text boxes, colour the page
  • Change the colour system so it is better when printing it 
  • Turn the final result in PDF version before printing it 

Saturday, 22 November 2014

We are lovers' answer

As I mentioned before I was going to write to the owners of the really cool blog I had been checking out. And they answered!!! They said I am definitely allowed to use there material and pictures but also ask them for feedback and advices, however I need to cite them properly and I do not know how that works so I will have to talk to Anna the librarian for that.

Sofia De Martin 

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Criteria: final copy

Here is my finished criteria, I have already uploaded this on itslearning as well.

Everything everywhere: hidden Milano
My Goal
Research about Milan and make use of the information that I find together with my personal experience to create a proper hardback travel guide with an appealing cover about Milan in order to promote the beauty of the city and get people to visit it and enjoy themselves there.
My Global context:
Globalization and sustainability

Target Audience
A booklet without pictures and an handmade cover
No specific price 
A book aimed for Italian people, any age
A booklet with black and white pictures and cover
Each book to cost 200 kr 
A book aimed for anyone who have been in Milan many times and already kind of know the city
A book with colour pictures, cover and thick pages
Each book to cost between 150 kr 
A book aimed for families who have been in Milan already but don’t know much about it.
A paperback cover with good quality colour pictures, appealing cover and thick pages
Each book to cost between 100 and 120 kr   
A book for teenagers who have never been in Milan.

Create a list of main things to see in Milan
Doesn’t have to be any specific size
Just have a list of a couple of places, shops and restaurants to go to
Create a travel guide of main things to see in Milan
To be the size  of a standard book, no specific thickness required
Have at least list of five of the following things: places, restaurants and shops
Create a travel guide of interesting things to see in Milan based on your interests
To be the size of a standard book but not thick considering the weight
To have different sections including lists of at least five of the following things: places, monuments, museums, restaurants, hotels and shops
Create a proper travel guide showing hidden aspects of Milan to get people interested in visiting the city.
To be no more than 13 x 20 cm. Needs to easily fit in a bag, not be too thick and be quite light
To be divided in section based on target audience’s interests that list places, monuments, museums, restaurants, hotels and shops. Also other sections related to other things.

Word choice

To have a title
To be printed in normal paper and normal ink. No specific content inside. No specific cost to
To have a title and text inside it
To be printed on recycled paper but with normal ink. No specific content inside. Get it printed with a standard cost
To have an appealing title and organized text inside it. Make use of pictures to decrease the amount of text
To be printed on recycled paper and make use of inks without lead. No specific content inside. Get it printed with a small cost
To have an interesting appealing title and not too much text in order to avoid boredom. Other kind of media such as pictures, tables and symbols will replace excessive amount of text
To be printed on recycled paper and make use of inks without lead. Include a section for people interested in having a sustainable holiday. Try to get it printed with the smallest cost possible.